Friday, March 2, 2012

Windows 8 Consumer Preview up and running!

On the first day of the third month of 2012, in a beautiful New York winter afternoon (there are those too) I downloaded the ISO image, burned a CD and installed in a separate partition my new tech playground: Windows 8 Consumer Preview. Like a kid in a candy store I felt as though that simple experience justifies the name of this blog. What I've seen so far makes me think how biased and prejudiced a number of bloggers and their readers are in assuming that the Metro interface is a substitute of the traditional Desktop and making a fuss over a non-issue. On the contrary, Windows 8 has both and you can switch between them to your heart's content. Using the Windows Key (yes, that key to the left of the ALT key with the logo) you simply press it as a toggle key. However, initially, when the OS has just loaded (which, by the way, takes less than 30 seconds), in order to get the Desktop, you need to press press WinKey + E (Explorer). In general, all the keyboard shortcuts remain; for instance: WinKey + D (Desktop, to clear it), WinKey + F (Find, to search), WinKey + R (Run, to start programs: control, notepad, wordpad, cmd, etc.). And I am not even talking about the all new touch interface, which makes it a new Windows for new devices. Take a peek to all you, consumer, developer, artist, you name it, can do. Oh, the possibilities...

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